On September 1st, 2024, St. Lawrence Church, Bondel, in collaboration with ICYM, hosted a vibrant and impactful Anti-Drug Month campaign. The event took place on a Sunday after 8.30 a.m mass , drawing the active participation of parishioners from all walks of life. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and promote a drug-free community.

The event commenced with a solemn prayer service, led by the parish priest, which set a reflective tone for the day. Rev. Fr William D’Souza ,Asst. Parish Priest, ICYM Bondel Unit President Ms Murel , Secretary Ms Minal Monteiro and members held up colorful placards and banner with powerful anti-drug slogans. The slogans, such as “Say No to Drugs, Yes to Life!” and “Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives!” “Drug abuse is a shortcut to nowhere” “Break the habit ,Live a Drug free life” were chanted with enthusiasm, echoing the collective resolve of the community to combat the menace of drug addiction.

The highlight of the campaign was the display of creatively designed placards by the youth members of ICYM. Each placard carried a strong message, visually representing the harmful effects of drugs and the importance of making positive life choices. The creativity and thoughtfulness behind these displays captured the attention of all present, leaving a lasting impression on the attendees.

The campaign concluded with a brief address by Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza , the Parish Priest , who thanked everyone for their participation and encouraged continued vigilance and support in the fight against drug abuse.

Photography & Report:

Meena Barboza