What is committed life? if we have and recollect of our life we can see many type of commitments like children to the study, sports man to the sports, and so on like a dancer, a achiever. To achieve all these things we need help from God and that help can be received through prayer. Prayer is like mobile phone that is given to us to contact God. Jesus is the great example to us to know how to pray. It helps us to strengthen our relationship to God. Its not to showoff in front of others rather its a personal relation to God.When we use this instrument that is prayer makes us a true christian said Rev Fr Anil Avild Lobo, Assistant parish priest of Cordel during his homily. He celebrated the mass and conducted the novena. Rev Fr Andrew Dsouza the parish priest, Rev Fr Charles Menezes con celebrated. Choir group of Cordel helped in singing to make the liturgy meaningful. After the novena bread was served to the devotees.
