Posts from August 2015

1922 of 22 items

Liturgy of St Lawrence Novena Day 2 Morning

by bondelchurch

On the second day  more than 1800 gathered for the novena.  Rev Fr Antony Serrao parish priest of Bendur celebrated the mass and preached the Word of God on faith. He explained how should we practice our faith giving the examples from the bible. During the mass there was special prayers for children and the […]

St Lawrence Novena Day 1 Evening Liturgy

by bondelchurch

  A large number of devotes gathered for the  novena in preparation for the annual feast. Rev Fr Valerian D’silva celebrated the mass and gave the word of God saying what is our duty towards God and towards others as baptized Christians. After the mass there was novena to  St Lawrence and after that bread […]

Inauguration ceremony of nine days novena and the festal elaboration

by bondelchurch

Nine days novena in preparation to the annual feast of St Lawrence was inaugurated by hoisting the flag and by lighting the lamp here in the church premises morning at 10:30. Mr J R Lobo the MLA Mangalore , Mrs Jecintha Alfred Mayor Mangalore, Rev Fr Joseph Martis Rector  Mangalore Seminary,  Rev Fr Andrew D’Souza […]