Annual feastwas inaugurated today at 10:30 a.m by hoisting the flag by Mayor Mr Harinath and by lighting thee lamp by Rev Fr Anil Dsouza Director family center Mangalore Diocese. Rev Fr Andrew Dsouza Parish Priest, Rev Fr Jason Monis, Rev Fr Leo Veigas, Rev Fr Sterwin, Rev Fr Charles Menezes, Corporaters of Mangalore Corporation and Church Vice president, Secretary and many others were present.
The inguinal mass was celebrated by Rev Fr Anil D’Souza Director family center Mangalore Diocese. In His Sermon he described how family is important and what we have to do for a happy family and what is our responsibility. Rev Fr Andrew D’Souza Parish Priest, Rev Fr Charles Menezes, Rev Fr Sterwin con-celebrated.
Evening novena mass was celebrated by Rev Fr Naveen Pinto Asst Parish Priest Valencia and Defender of Diocesan Tribunal Court. In His sermon he made to realize what is mercy and how we have to practice in the family. Rev Fr Jason Monis Asst Parish Priest and Rev Fr George Con celebrated.
After the morning mass and novena food was served to the devotees who took part and in the evening after the mass bread was served. During the mass and novena specially prayed for the families.
