The day began with the ceremonial welcome at 2:45 p.m. For Bishop Peter Paul Saldana, Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo (Bishop of Udupi Diocese), and the Emeritus Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza, by Parish Priest Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, the Parish clergy, and Parish council members.
At 3 PM, Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo blessed the newly declared St. Lawrence Shrine. Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza inaugurated the Renovated Church. Bishop Peter Paul Saldana celebrated the Solemn Mass and blessed the Altar with chrism oil, the tabernacle, and officially handed over the keys to Parish Priest Fr. Andrew D’Souza.
The con-celebrants included Vicar General Msgr Maxim Noronha, Vicar Forane Rev.Fr James D’Souza, City Vicariate, Rev.Fr J.B. Saldanha, the P.R.O. of Mangalore Diocese, the Chancellor of the Mangalore V Rev. Dr Victor D’Souza and Udupi Diocese V Rev. Dr Roshan D’Souza and all the priests.
Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo, presiding over the Eucharistic celebration, delivered a profound homily highlighting three key aspects of God’s house: In his homily, Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo emphasized three key aspects of the church’s significance: 1. The Church as God’s Dwelling Place: The church is where God resides, a sacred space where the faithful encounter His divine presence.2. The Church as a House of Prayer: It is a place where believers come together in devotion and faith, offering prayers and building a spiritual connection with God.3. Mary as God’s Temple: Bishop Lobo highlighted how Mary became the temple of God by carrying Jesus in her womb, symbolizing the ultimate dwelling place of God’s grace and presence.
Bishop lit a candle and passed it to the parish priest is a symbolic act of passing on the light of Christ. It signifies the bishop entrusting the parish priest with the responsibility to be a light to the parish community, guiding them in faith, service, and the teachings of Christ. Bishop presented the keys of the tabernacle to the parish priest, symbolizing the mission entrusted to him in the parish.
Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha officially declared St. Lawrence Church as a shrine. He read the decree formalizing this elevation and ceremoniously handed it over to the parish priest, marking a significant moment in the history of the parish. This declaration highlights the church’s importance as a spiritual and pilgrimage center, honoring its deep devotion to St. Lawrence.
The papal blessing from Pope Francis was read by Msgr Maxim Noronha VG, adding a global significance to the celebration. The Vote of Thanks by Parish priest Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza expressed gratitude to the Bishops, Priests, and laity, recognizing the unwavering faith and support of the community in making this historic day possible.
In a heartwarming gesture during the Solemn Mass, Bishop Peter Paul Saldana extended his heartfelt congratulations to the Parish Priest Rev. Fr Andrew and the entire Parish community on the remarkable milestone of a hundred years of unwavering faith. He acknowledged the dedication and hard work that went into building the shrine, made possible by the tireless efforts of the Parish Priest, the devotion of the parishioners, and the generous support of sponsors.
With deep reverence, Bishop Saldana called on St. Lawrence, the Miracle Saint, to continue blessing all those who visit the shrine. As a declared shrine, may it stand as a sign of hope and faith, drawing more devotees to receive the divine blessings of St. Lawrence in the years to come.
The entire liturgical inauguration ceremony was led by Rev. Dr. Praveen Leo Lasrado. Who conducted it with great excellence and devotion.
The celebration was enriched by the melodious choir led by Church Choir Group led by Dr Suraj Noronha and team, whose divine hymns created a spiritually uplifting atmosphere for the gathering of over 3,000 faithful. This event marked a significant chapter in the history of St. Lawrence Church, now a shrine, symbolizing unity, faith, and devotion. The day concluded with a sense of fulfillment and blessings, making it an unforgettable occasion for all present.
Photography: Stanley Bantwal
Report: Meena Barboza
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