Posts by bondelchurch

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Novena Day 4

by bondelchurch

Masses And Novena for the intention of Children Theme Blessed Are those who Seek the Kingdom of god in the little ones Rev. fr Rupesh Madtha Director of ycs Celebrated The Morning Mass and Rev Alwyn Sequira OCD Bikarnakatte Celebrated the Evening Mass

Novena Day 3

by bondelchurch

Theme of Third day of novena is “Blessed Are those who dedicate their life in Service” Rev. fr Lawrence Mascarenhas Parish Priest of Ammembal Church Celebrated the Morning Mass and Rev Javahar Jerry Cutinha vocation Promoter of Capuchin order celebrated the evening mass.

Novena day 2

by bondelchurch

Rev Fr Cyril lobo celebrated the Morning Mass Along With Con celebrants Fr Andrew Leo D’souza, Fr Melwin MSIJ. Fr Albun D’souza Parish Priest of kalmady Church celebrated the Evening Mass Along With Con celebrants, Fr Clifford Pinto, Fr Melwyn MSIJ and Fr. Cyril Lobo.

Novena Day 1

by bondelchurch

Rev. Fr Leo Veigas, Parish Priest of Vamadapadav church celebrated the morning mass and Rev. Fr Andrew D’souza, parish priest of Bajal parish celebrated the evening mass.

Nine-day Novena prior to Feast of St Lawrence begins at Bondel Church

by bondelchurch

The nine-day novena prior to the annual feast of St Lawrence Church, Bondel began on Thursday, August 1 with the unfurling of St Lawrence’s flag here at the church premises. Walter Nandalike, founder, Daijiworld Media Group, hoisted the flag and said, “Bondel Shrine is one of the main centres, which reflects communal harmony in the […]