Posts by bondelchurch

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Prathibha puraskar – 2018

by bondelchurch

Catholic Sabha honoured 47 meritorious students of 2017-18 batch of SSLC, 2nd PUC and final year degree students on September 2, 2018 at the Bondel Church Hall. It also celebrated Professional Day, including teachers , doctors, nurses, government employees and businessmen of Bondel area. The twin events were presided over by Rev Fr Andew Leo […]

Teachres Day at St Lawrence School Bondel

by bondelchurch

On 6th September St Lawrence English Medium and Kannada Medium School jointly organized teachers day at Kannada Medium School Hall. Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’souza Correspondent of the School, Rev. Fr Leo Veigas, Resident Priest, Rev Fr Clifford PInto, Principal of English Medium School, Mrs Mary Miranda, Head Mistress of Kannada Medium School and Mr […]

Celebration of Independence day and Feast of Assumption of Mary

by bondelchurch

Independence Day and Feast of Assumption of Mother Mary was celebrated on August 15. Rev. Fr Leo Veigas was the main celebrant. Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’souza preached the Homily. after the mass there was short programme in the church Premises. Mrs Laveena Sequiera CRP of Kavoor Cluster was present as chief guest of the […]

Sixth Day of Novena

by bondelchurch

Rev Fr Clifford Fernandes Parish Priest of Jeppu celebrated the morning Mass and Rev. Fr Anil D’souza Director of Family life service celebrated evening Mass.

Fifth Day of Novena

by bondelchurch

Rev Fr Leo Veigas Resident Priest of Bondel celebrated the morning Mass and Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’souza,Bondel celebrated evening Mass.