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Hail the male! Unique Men’s Day celebrations held at Bondel Church

by bondelchurch

On November 19, 2023, the ICYM Bondel Unit organised an International Men’s Day at St. Lawrence Church Bondel. The celebration began with a Thanksgiving Mass at 7.00 a.m. . Rev. Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza- parish priest, was the main celebrant. Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca SJ.  &  Fr. Theodore Rosario Pinto concelebrated the mass..After the mass […]

Drawing Competition was held at St Lawrence Church Bondel

by bondelchurch

Nov 12, 2023: The Drawing Competition was held at  St Lawrence Church Bondel for the  Parish children. The Culture Committee organised the drawing competition for the parish children of St. Lawrence Church Bondel on November 2023 at 11 a.m.   Over 100 Children participated in this drawing competition.The competition was held in five different categories: LKG, UKG […]

St Lawrence Church Bondel commemorates St Charles Borromeo Feast

by bondelchurch

St Lawrence Church Bondel celebrated the feast of St. Charles Borromeo, the Patron of Catechism teachers on 12th November 2023..The day commenced with an Eucharistic celebration at 8.30 a.m. led by Rev Fr Peter Gonsalves, Principal St Lawrence English Medium   School Bondel, Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, Parish Priest, Fr Lancy D’Souza Concelebrated the mass..Rev […]

St Lawrence Church observes All Souls Day

by bondelchurch

#ಆಲ್ಮಾವಾಂಚೊ #ದೀಸ್ with devotion  All Souls’ day was observed on 2nd November 2023 at St Lawrence Church , Bondel, here to remember and pray for the faithful and departed members of families. Three Eucharistic masses were celebrated; 6.30 a.m., 8.00 a.m. in the morning and 5.00 p.m. in the evening .  In the evening , a solemn […]

Elocution Competition Conducted by Catholic Sabha

by bondelchurch

Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R), Bondel Unit conducted an elocution competition for the parishioners on October 29, 2023. Mr. Herald  Pinto, Vice President of the Catholic Sabha Unit, welcomed the audience. Mr. Herold Pinto conducted the prayer with a proclamation of the Word of God. 24 participants took part in the competition. There were 5 […]

Mission Sunday 2023

by bondelchurch

October 28 and 29, 2023, were dedicated to the celebration of Mission Sunday 2023 at St. Lawrence Church in Bondel.Mission  Sunday 2023 was organised in collaboration by the Catholic Sabha Bondel Unit, Saint Vincent DePaul (SVP), and the Carmelite Sisters (AC). The church grounds hosted a spectacular festival on October 28th, Saturday, and Sunday, October […]