
205210 of 412 items

Sixth Day of Novena

by bondelchurch

Rev Fr Clifford Fernandes Parish Priest of Jeppu celebrated the morning Mass and Rev. Fr Anil D’souza Director of Family life service celebrated evening Mass.

Fifth Day of Novena

by bondelchurch

Rev Fr Leo Veigas Resident Priest of Bondel celebrated the morning Mass and Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’souza,Bondel celebrated evening Mass.

Third Day of Novena

by bondelchurch

Rev Fr Stany Monteiro,Director of st John Paul II shrine Bajpe celebrated the morning Mass and Rev. Fr Jawahar Jerry vocation director of Capucin Congregation, Bejai celebrated evening Mass.

Nine-day Novena prior to Feast of St Lawrence begins at Bondel Church

by bondelchurch

The nine-day novena, prior to the annual feast of St Lawrence Church, Bondel, began on Wednesday, August 1 with the unfurling of St Lawrence’s flag here at the church premises. Fr Andrew Leo D Souza, parish priest who hoisted the flag said, “Two months back I was appointed as a parish priest of Bondel church […]