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by bondelchurch

  Feast day celebrations started with the Holy Eucharist at 7.00 a.m. on Sunday the 12th July 2015. The members of the ward actively participated in the liturgy. At 4.30 p.m. the members of the ward, sisters of Maryhill convent with the postulants, BalaYesuNilaya, Vijayamari Convent, brothers of Betharam Fathers’ seminary and the boys staying […]

Ward-Day Celebration (Divine Mercy Ward) on 26-04-2015

by bondelchurch

The members of the Divine Mercy Ward conducted meaning full liturgy for the 7 am mass. In the evening the members met at Mr. Oswald Fernandez’ house. Divine Mercy rosary was conduct, followed by games and refreshments. The stage programme began at 6 pm. It all began with a short skit which revealed the beginning […]

Meaningful easter celebrtion at St Ann Ward

by bondelchurch

Meaningful easter was celebrated today at st Lawrence church bondel . It was the sacrifice of the people which lead to lentan savings towards the construction of the house in cash and kind to provide shelter to this needy family of Mr& Mrs Lany PrecillaD’Souza a poor family in St Ann ward of Bondel Parish. […]

Easter Vigil: Celebration of Pasch

by bondelchurch

Celebration of Easter Vigil began in the evening at 7:30 p.m with the blessing of light and follwed by the Holy Eucharist.In his homliy Rev Fr Jason Monis said that The Death and the Resurrection of Christ is the new hope for not to give up our life in our difficult situation. Rev Fr Edwin […]

Good Friday: The commeration of Lord’s sufferings and death.

by bondelchurch

The death and the resurrection of the Lord celebrated and reflected. In the morning at 11.00 am the way of the cross was conducted and thousands gathered and became the part and reflected on the passion of Christ and the end all gathered near the cross which is erected in front of the church and […]