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Maundy Thursday: Commeration of Jesus’ Last Supper

by bondelchurch

The Celebration of Jesus’ last supper was commemorated today. The ceremony began at the evening6:30p.m. The homily was delivered by Deacon Ashwin Cardoza, who said, “Today is the priest day. Jesus formed priesthood in order that his work continued after him. A priest has two qualities – one, the image of Christ, and second, the […]

Way of the Cross at Kallapondh

by bondelchurch

  Our Lord Jesus Christ walked the way towards Calvery carrying the heavy cross and there he was crucified and died for our sake to give salvation from the bond of sin. To commemorate this event and reflect the Love of God towards mankind The Way of the Cross was organized at Kallapondh   near Pachhanady […]

The Commeration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem

by bondelchurch

Blessed is the King Who comes in the name of the Lord” When Jesus Entered the Jerusalem the people sang with one voice Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel. Hosanna in the Highest. It is the day to mark this […]

I.C.Y.M Bondel won the PSCA Pompei Trophy 2015

by bondelchurch

I C Y M unit of our parish has won the PSCA Pompei throw ball trophy 2015. The Match was held at Pompei grounds and the bondel team beat Permannur team and won the trophy and 3000 cash. The best smasher of the tourney was won by Miss Hancil Pinto the team member.

Night Vigil marked the Season of Lent

by bondelchurch

“So you could not watch with me for one hour”? Mt 26:40 Fountain of Grace: The Night Vigil   On the occasion of Lenten season Night vigil was organized from Saturday 14-03-2015 night 9:00p.m till Sunday 15-03-2015  morning 6. It was a grace filled night spending the precious time with Lord reflecting the Word of […]

Preparation for the Parish Day Celebration on 01 February 2015

by bondelchurch

Preparation for the parish day is already begun yesterday evening with cultural programme rehearsal. On the last Sunday on 25th January inter ward cricket match was held and the Sacred Heart Ward won both the girls and boys match. it was an opportunity to the parishioners to come together as one family and share the […]