Posts by bondelchurch

127132 of 412 items

Women commission, Women Association & Environment Commission Bondel Parish jointly Organized Environment Day Vruksha Vandana & Jala Bandhan

by bondelchurch

ರೂಕ್ ಝಡಾ೦ ಲಾವ್ಯಾ೦ಉದಕ್ ಜಿರೊವ್ಯಾ೦ಪೃಥ್ವೆಚೆ ಸ೦ರಕ್ಷಣ್ ಕರು೦ಯಾ೦ Women commission, Women Association & Environment Commission Bondel Parish jointly Organized Environment Day Vruksha Vandana & Jala Bandhan (ವೃಕ್ಷ ವಂದನ್ ಆನಿ ಜಲ ಬಂಧನ್) on Sunday, 05 June 2022 at 4.30 p.m at ST Lawrence Church premises, Bondel Mrs. Avitha Mascarenhas President Women Commission welcomed the gathering. . The programme […]

Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, bishop emeritus, diocese of Mangaluru, administered the sacrament of Confirmation to 135 children of St Lawrence Church, Bondel

by bondelchurch

Mangalore, June 5, 2022 : Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, bishop emeritus, diocese of Mangaluru, administered the sacrament of Confirmation to 135 children of St Lawrence Church, Bondel.Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, bishop emeritus of Mangalore along with Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza Parish Priest, Rev Fr Peter Gonsalves Principal, Rev Fr Lancy D’Souza Assistant parish priest […]

Bondel parishioners extend warm welcome to new assistant parish priest

by bondelchurch

The new assistant parish priest of Bondel Church Fr Lancy D’Souza was warmly welcomed on Tuesday May 17 to St Lawrence Church, Bondel by the parish clergy and parishioners of Bondel. He was accompanied by Fr Roque D’Sa, parish priest of Valencia, assistant parish priest (Newly ordained), Fr Vijay Monteiro, Fr Lary, assistant, St Anthony […]

Bondel parishioners bid adieu to Fr Rupesh Tauro

by bondelchurch

St Lawrence Church Bondel had welcomed Fr Rupesh Tauro, the assistant parish priest just two years ago and now it was time to bid him farewell. On Sunday May 15, after the 7 am Mass, the parishioners along with the members of the Parish Pastoral Council came together for a formal farewell ceremony. Fr Rupesh […]

Way Of The Cross – Palm Sunday

by bondelchurch

“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Lk 9:23) – The ‘Way Of The Cross’ held at St Lawrence Church, Bondel.Stations prayer was conducted by Ward members with great devotion.Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza,Rev Fr Rupesh Tauro & Rev Fr Peter Gonsalves […]